We are advocates for accessible holiday provision for all - and work hard to support our schools, for free, during the school holidays to ensure families who may otherwise go hungry, can access nutritious meals.
Lunch Crowd clubs
Our #LunchCrowd initiative sees us working in collaboration with activity partners by opening our school kitchens at free-to-attend holiday clubs, to serve free, hot nutritious lunches to families.
In 2021, our Lunch Crowd project is bigger than ever before in response to central Government funding via the Holidays, Activity and Food Fund.
Cooking at Home support
In 2020, we launched our Cooking at Home service offering free recipe-led grocery boxes written by our Chefs, to support those at risk of food insecurity.
There is also free open access online resources including recipes, cook along videos, and a dedicated Facebook Group for inspiration and education.
Steering Group
A key aim of ours is to work closely with others across the region to fight school holiday food poverty. We have therefore founded the Southampton Holiday Provision Steering Group to drive change, increase partnerships and support more families.
You can follow our work on Twitter, at @hpsgsouthampton