We are continually adapting to the changing needs that Covid-19 is presenting Southampton’s community.
However, we need your support to ensure that we can do this. We’d be very grateful for any contribution to our Covid-19 Repsonse Fund.
You can also keep up to date right here, on all that we are doing to serve both the youngest and eldest in Southampton.
Meet the people working hard to deliver essential food and care packages to those who need it most during the coronavirus crisis.
What City Catering has been up to since lockdown started in March…
Have a read of our Covid-related blog posts to find out. We’ve published blogs on some of the following topics that might interest you:
How has Covid-19 impacted Southampton’s community?
Back in May we launched a survey to find out how our community had been affected by this global pandemic, you can now download our illustrative report to find out for yourself.
We also published a blog post about the research we did, which you can read right here.
How your donations have helped us help others
“It has been an amazing help. My husband and I were both made redundant due to Covid-19, and had no idea how we were going to cope. This was much appreciated during this difficult time”
- A Southampton resident in response to our cooking at home and lunch crowd initiatives