Covid-19s impact on access to food in Southampton

On behalf of the Holiday Provision Steering Group, we have devised two surveys to better understand the impact of Covid 19 on food support in Southampton. 

Food during Covid-19 for Southampton - Household Survey

This survey has been created by City Catering Southampton, in association with the University of Southampton, Southampton City Council and Radian, on behalf of Southampton's Holiday Provision Steering Group.

We would like to better understand how Covid 19 has changed people’s access to food in Southampton.

The data obtained in this survey will be stored and analysed by City Catering, and the results will be published to help inform and support the way services and organisations can best support the community during this time, and beyond.

It should take approx 7-10 minutes to complete. This survey will be open until 31st May 2020. Your data is anonymous.

The household survey can be found here:

Supporting food support during Covid-19 for Southampton - Organisation Survey

This survey has been created by City Catering Southampton on behalf of Southampton's Holiday Provision Steering Group.

We would like to better understand how Covid 19 has changed the type of food support that organisations, charities and community groups (amongst others) provide Southampton households.

The data obtained in this survey will be stored and analysed by City Catering, and the results will be published to help inform and support the way services and organisations can best support the community during this time, and beyond.

It should take approx 5 minutes to complete. This survey will be open until 31st May 2020.

The organisational survey can be found here:


If you need food support during this time, there is further help and guidance through the following links.

The Results

We have published our results in a more recent blog. Take a look at our findings here.



Thank you, Tesco Bags of Help Covid-19 Community Fund


Neighbourhood quiz raises £121 for City Catering Southampton