Government u-turns on holiday food support

Over the weekend, the Government announced in the media that they were now (despite earlier votes to not) going to support vulnerable families and children at risk of food insecurity over the winter months. We were, of course, delighted with​ this decision as it recognises the increased need that families are experiencing right now. It has something that we have been watching closely in recent months. 

The risk of food insecurity during the school holidays is not new. However, the issue has had rightful attention in recent weeks and months; and as the impact of the pandemic continues to grow - support must be available for families and their children. 

The Winter Grant enables local authorities to support families at risk, including those eligible for Free School Meals, from December to the end of March. For us, here in Southampton, with rising applications and a pre-Covid level of 35% of the city's children living in poverty - this is welcome funding and support. The grant also increases the value of Healthy Start vouchers from £3.10 to £4.25 per week, supporting children under the age of 5. 

In addition, the DfE's Holidays, Activities and Food programme that has been running for the past few years, will, for 2021, be extended to not just cover Summer, but Easter and December holidays too. This scheme enables families to access free provision, providing activities, sport, engagement and hot food. Over summer, in Southampton, this scheme was run by Connect4Hampshire. By extending it, it has the potential to offer really valuable support to many families. However, we are concerned that support may therefore only be made available to those able to access face-to-face schemes. This provides challenges for many families - with transport and available spaces, for example, limiting access - but also, we know that often families were unable to attend schemes summer due to Covid-19 concerns.

We now look forward to understanding the details of this grant, and how it will support Southampton families. We will continue to work with our partners in the city, including members of the Holiday Provision Steering Group, in order to support those involved. 

Keep following this story, and the ways that we are support families, over on our socials.

If you, or someone you know, is experiencing challenges with affording food, there is a range of support available with information here


Interview with Mark Bajaj, raising money for City Catering through PPV Boycott


Addressing Food Insecurity in Southampton