Cheesy Mushroom and Cherry Tomato Omelettes


60g butter (you could use oil if you prefer)

320g mushrooms, finely sliced

2 garlic cloves, finely chopped or sliced (optional)

8 eggs

8 cherry tomatoes, finely sliced

80g grated cheese

12 basil leaves

The ingredients listed above are enough to make 4 individual omelettes.


  1. Melt the butter (or add oil) in a small-medium non-stick frying pan over medium to high heat. Add all the mushrooms and cook until they start to turn golden. Add the garlic, salt and pepper and cook for another 1-2 minutes. Remove from the frying pan and set aside.

  2. For each individual omelette, whisk two the eggs with a pinch of salt and white pepper.

  3. Turn the heat to medium. Add a little bit more butter (or oil) to the pan and when it starts to foam add the whisked eggs. Tilt the pan slightly from side to side to make sure that the eggs cover the complete surface of the frying pan.

  4. As the eggs start to set, use a rubber spatula or wooden spoon to drag the cooked eggs to the centre of the pan. Tilt the pan again from side to side to let the still uncooked egg fall to the edge of the pan.

  5. Once the bottom of the egg is set but the top is still a little wet, sprinkle the mushrooms, cherry tomato slices, grated cheese and basil leaves on one half of the omelette. Fold the other side over. Turn the heat to low and cook for a further 30 seconds to get the cheese to start to melt. Slide on to a plate and serve.


  • Different fillings: choose your favourite vegetables, spring onions, peppers, courgettes all work really well. Just make sure to cook them a little bit first. You can also add meats like bacon, sausages, ham or chorizo – make sure they are fully cooked before you add them to the omelette. It is a great way to use leftover meats from your fridge. You can always keep it simple and make a cheese omelette (just use your favourite cheese), a herb omelette (any soft herbs like chives or parsley will be lovely) or a plain egg omelette. Have fun with it and do not be afraid to try new things!

  • Eggs are called natures fast food for a reason, if you have the ingredients ready, it will take you less than 5 minutes to make a lovely and nutritious meal.

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