Chocolate and Banana Brownies

This delicious chocolate and banana brownies dessert is an easy to make indulgent treat!

Top Tip: You are aiming for a lovely squidgy middle so test towards the end of the baking time and remove from the oven while there is still some wobble on the mix as the brownie with continue to cook after it is removed from the oven.


  • Preparation time: 15 minutes

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes

  • Serving size: 16 portions


  • 160g butter or margarine

  • 50g caster sugar

  • 3 eggs

  • 1 or 2 bananas (large or medium)

  • 70g plain flour

  • 50g cocoa powder

  • 1 tablespoon of baking powder

1. Mix the butter/margarine, flour, caster sugar, baking powder and cocoa powder with an electric mixer.

2. Add eggs to the other ingredients, combine until smooth.

3. Chop bananas and add to the mix

4. Pour mix into a greased and baking paper lined 8-inch square cake tin and bake in a medium oven at 170°, gas mark 5. Approximately 30 minutes.

5. Remove from the oven, allow to cool and portion accordingly.

Tips – replace the banana with glaced cherries or chopped dates or add chocolate chips.

Sarah Doling

Sarah Doling is a member of our Senior Management Team, and heads up the Menu Development team, creating tasty dishes for school pupils across Southampton, whilst also ensuring that those on Special Diets are catered for safely, and that our school meals meet a variety of high standards.


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