Lemony Pasta with Tuna and Peas

A light, lemony meal, perfect for a small lunch with smaller quantities, or a quick dinner.

INGREDIENTS (serves 4)

50ml oil

4 garlic cloves, finely chopped

1 tin of tuna, drained

Juice of 1 lemon

1 tin of peas, drained

Handful of fresh parsley, chopped

Salt and pepper to taste

320g pasta


1.      Bring a large saucepan of salted water to the boil. Add pasta and cook following the manufacturer’s instructions.

2.      Meanwhile, when pasta is not far from done, add oil to a pan. Once oil is hot but not smoking, add garlic and cook for a minute. Be careful not let it go brown, as it will then taste biter.

3.      Add the tuna, peas, lemon juice, and parsley and heat it through.

4.      When the pasta is cooked, take a couple of tbsp of the pasta water and add them to tuna and pea mix. Drain the pasta and toss with the tuna and peas.

5.      Serve straight away.


  • If you like it extra zesty, you can also add the zest of the lemon (grated using the finer side of your grater)

  • If you have any grated cheese available, a sprinkle of cheese when serving it works really well.

  • Tips to get the most juice out of a lemon: You can microwave the whole fruit for 20 seconds, until warm, wait until has cool down, then slice in half, and juice as usual. The other option is to roll the lemon on your countertop while applying a little bit of pressure. Both ways will make it easier to get the most juice out of your lemon.

Cook along with the video….

This recipe is part of our Cooking at Home with City Catering program, supporting, empowering and inspiring healthy home cooking. You can discover more recipes and cooking tips on here, or join our supporting Facebook group to get involved in the conversation.

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Laura Suanez Aisa

Laura has worked for City Catering Southampton since 2015, and spent the first three years working as Head of Kitchen at St Mark’s Primary School, before moving into the Menu Development Team at our Head Office.


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