Roasted Cherry Tomatoes & Mozzarella Salad

Prep time: 5 minutes / Cooking time: 30 minutes

Serves 4.

This recipe is vegetarian

Approximate full recipe cost £3.85


500g cherry tomatoes, halved

2 cloves of garlic, crushed

2 tbsps. oil

400g fusilli pasta

250g fresh mozzarella, drained & cut to bite size pieces

Handful of fresh basil, leaves picked

Salt & cracked black pepper

Balsamic vinegar (optional)


1.      Start by roasting the cherry tomatoes: preheat your oven to 190°C.

2.       Add your halved tomatoes in a bowl together with the oil, crushed garlic & some cracked black pepper. Mix the tomatoes well so that they are covered with the oil, garlic & pepper.

3.      Transfer the tomatoes to a large oven tray and spread them into a single layer, cut side up.

4.      Bake for 20-25 minutes, until they are soft and smell delicious. Leave aside to cool down.

5.      Meanwhile, bring a pan of water to the boil and cook the pasta following the manufacturer’s instructions. Once cooked, drain and refresh under the cold water tap.

6.      To finish the salad: in a large bowl add the cooled cherry tomatoes, refreshed pasta, pieces of mozzarella & basil leaves. Mix well.

7.      You can finish it off with a drizzle of oil & a splash of balsamic vinegar (if using). Now the salad is ready to serve.


  •   When roasting the tomatoes, it is very important that they are spread out on a single layer. If you do not have a tray big enough just use a couple of smaller ones.

  •   If you have it available, olive oil is best for this recipe.

  •   This salad can be prepared ahead & kept in the fridge. Perfect for picnics & packed lunches.

  •   If you want to save time you could use a jar of sundried tomatoes instead, it will not be as nice but it will do in a pinch.

  •   You could use feta cheese instead of mozzarella and add some olives to make it a Greek style salad.

  •   If you have the time, the cherry tomatoes can be slow roasted instead. Follow the same instructions but bake them at 160°C until they go dry and a bit dark around the edges. It intensifies the tomato flavour, really delicious!

  •   This is meant to be a simple salad with not many ingredients but feel free to add some extra salad vegetables like cucumber, red onion or lettuce leaves.

  •   Make it vegan by adding vegan mozzarella instead.

Cook along with the team…

Laura Suanez Aisa

Laura has worked for City Catering Southampton since 2015, and spent the first three years working as Head of Kitchen at St Mark’s Primary School, before moving into the Menu Development Team at our Head Office.


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