Tuna and lemon couscous salad

A note from the chef... “Couscous really does not taste of much! It’s only what you add to it that gives it flavour. Almost any combination of herbs, dressing and spices will work. It’s really useful as it’s so quick to prepare. You could add roast vegetables to the basic mix, chicken or cooked chorizo for some spice.”


Cook in 20-30 minutes

£1.50 per person


  • 300g tinned tuna

  • Mayonnaise (optional)

  • 250g couscous

  • 300ml of hot vegetable stock

  • 1 lemon

  • Vinaigrette dressing as required

  • 1 bunch of spring onion, sliced

  • 4 medium or 3 large tomatoes, diced

  • Half a cucumber, diced

  • Bunch of fresh basil


1. Make up the stock with boiling water. Add couscous to a shallow bowl, pour on the stock, cover with clingfilm, and leave for 10 minutes.

2. Fluff up the couscous with a fork, allow to cool, lightly coat the couscous with the Vinaigrette dressing

3. Add the zest (grate with fine side of grater) and juice of the lemon to the couscous, tasting as you go. You may wish to use all or only some of the lemon depending on your taste.

4. Gently combine diced tomatoes and cucumber with the cooled couscous. Tear basil leaves and add. Taste and season with salt and pepper as necessary.

5. Drain the tuna and combine with mayonnaise, if using. If not, you could add dressing or unused lemon to the tuna for added flavour.

6. Check the tuna mix for seasoning and serve with couscous salad.

We have used prepared vinaigrette dressing but you can easily make French dressing by combining oil, wine vinegar and Dijon mustard.

Suggestions... Use couscous as a quick and easy carbohydrate for many lunch or dinner dishes - a great substitute for pasta when you fancy a change.

Experiment and make it you own or use up left overs to create your own couscous salad.

Laura Suanez Aisa

Laura has worked for City Catering Southampton since 2015, and spent the first three years working as Head of Kitchen at St Mark’s Primary School, before moving into the Menu Development Team at our Head Office.


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