Potato and Spring Onion Frittata

A versatile, simple recipe perfect for using up any leftovers, and making your own.

INGREDIENTS (serves 4)

500g potatoes, peeled and cut into 2cm cubes

6 eggs

½ bunch of spring onions, finely sliced

80g grated cheese

40ml oil

Salt & pepper to taste


1.      Bring a saucepan of water to the boil, add the potatoes and cook until just tender.

2.      Meanwhile, whisk the eggs in a large bowl with some salt and pepper. Add the spring onions and cheese, mix.

3.      Drain the potatoes well and add them to the eggs. Fold in gently to make sure that all the ingredients are evenly mixed.

4.      Put oil in a large frying pan, when the oil is hot (but not smoking) add the egg mixture making sure it is evenly distributed on the pan.

5.      Cover with a lid and cook on low heat for approximately 12 to 15min. Every so often, shake the pan gently to make sure is not sticking.

6.      To finish the frittata you have to options: you can continue to cook it in the stove until it is fully set (when shaking the pan, the egg mixture will no longer wobble). Otherwise, if you have used an ovenproof frying pan, you can finish it in the oven or under the grill until fully set and has turned a lovely golden colour on top.

7.      Let it rest for a few minutes, slice into wedges and serve.


  • If you have a pie or quiche pan you could just cook it fully in the oven, at 180°C for 12-15 min or until fully set. If you have a muffin tin, you could use it too and would end up with mini frittatas. If cooking in the oven make sure to grease the tins very well before poring the egg mixture.

  • The sky is the limit with this recipe. You can omit the potatoes altogether and use whatever veg you have available instead. Or perhaps use some potatoes mixed with any of you favourite vegetables. Great recipe to use any leftover veg that you may have in your fridge.

  • You can add a few pieces of chopped ham or cooked bacon for extra flavour too.

Cook along with the video….

This recipe is part of our Cooking at Home with City Catering program, supporting, empowering and inspiring healthy home cooking. You can discover more recipes and cooking tips on here, or join our supporting Facebook group to get involved in the conversation.

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Laura Suanez Aisa

Laura has worked for City Catering Southampton since 2015, and spent the first three years working as Head of Kitchen at St Mark’s Primary School, before moving into the Menu Development Team at our Head Office.


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