Sausages in tomato sauce with herby potatoes

A note from the chef... The sausages with tomato sauce are very versatile. You could choose to serve them with pasta instead of potatoes. They are also great as a topping for a jacket potato, extra delicious if you also add a bit of grated cheese.



For the sausages in tomato sauce:

  • 1 tbsp of vegetable oil

  • 8 pork sausages cut into quarters

  • 1 large onion, finely diced

  • 1 tsp chopped garlic

  • 1 tsp paprika

  • 400g chopped tomatoes

  • Salt and pepper

For the herby potatoes:

  • 1 tbsp of vegetable oil

  • 500g of baby new potatoes

  • 1 tsp of chopped garlic

  • 1 tsp of chopped parsley

1. Put the potatoes in a pan with water and a pinch of salt. Bring to the boil and cook until potatoes are cooked through. Drain. Cut in half.

2. Meanwhile, put the oil in a pan over medium heat, add the sausage pieces and cook until golden brown all over. Turn down the heat and add the chopped onion and garlic - cook until the onions have softened. Stir in the paprika and chopped tomatoes, bring to a simmer and let it cook for about 10 min. Season to taste.

3. To finish the potatoes, put oil in a frying pan, add the potatoes and cook in a medium heat for about 6-8 mins, until golden all over. Then add the garlic and parsley and cook for another 2 mins. Season.

4. To serve, spoon the sausages in the tomato sauce onto plates with a serving of the herby potatoes.

Cooked baby new potatoes are a great thing to keep in your fridge. In the summer months you can quickly turn them into a salad with some chopped vegetables and the protein of your choice. You can also cut them in half (like in the recipe), sprinkle them with spices and a little bit of oil and put them in the oven until golden all over. If you dice them and cook them in a frying pan with a little bit of onion, they will make a delicious filling for an omelette. You can use diced chicken or meatballs for this recipe instead of the sausages, or if you are vegetarian, Linda McCartney sausages Quorn pieces or meat-free balls would be yummy too. You could make it extra nutritious by adding any of your family’s favourite vegetables (peppers, mushrooms, courgettes) to the tomato sauce. You could even exclude meat all together and just use vegetables instead

Laura Suanez Aisa

Laura has worked for City Catering Southampton since 2015, and spent the first three years working as Head of Kitchen at St Mark’s Primary School, before moving into the Menu Development Team at our Head Office.


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