Veggie Whirl

These veggie whirls are a tasty option for a meat-free meal and they’re great if you’ve cooked too much veg. This dish is also perfect if you want to sneak some vegetables into your child’s meal. They will love every bite!


  • Preparation time: 30-35 minutes

  • Cooking time: 20 minutes

  • Serving size: 6-8 portions


  • 330g puff pastry sheet

  • 100g of mashed potatoes

  • 100g mashed sweet potatoes

  • 1 small red onion

  • 100g stuffing mix

  • Salt and pepper

  • 1 egg yolk and splash of milk for egg wash

1. Peel and finely dice the red onion.

2. Make up the stuffing mix to instructions on packet.

3. Mix the sweet potato, mash potato and red onion together and season.

4. Roll out the pastry sheet on a sheet of grease proof paper.

5. Spread the stuffing mix out on the pastry, leaving a gap round the edge of the pastry. This would be the point you can add any leftover veggies.

6. Then spread the potato mix on top.

7. Facing the long side of the pastry fold over the edge you have left clear of filling on to the filling. Then using the grease proof paper lift and roll in to a swish roll shape. Using the paper will make this a lot easier.

8. Using a sharp knife cut the roll into 1” wide slices.

9. Place on a baking sheet and brush the pastry with the egg wash.

10. Bake in a hot oven about 190 degrees for 20 minutes. Serve with a nice mixed salad or new potatoes and broccoli (as shown in the photograph).

Sarah Doling

Sarah Doling is a member of our Senior Management Team, and heads up the Menu Development team, creating tasty dishes for school pupils across Southampton, whilst also ensuring that those on Special Diets are catered for safely, and that our school meals meet a variety of high standards.


Chicken biriyani


Veggie Lasagne